We think of ourselves as free, but we are born in an inescapable slavery—bondage to sin. As members of the human race we exist in a slave market of sin, helpless to redeem ourselves. We enter the world with a sin nature, separated from God and powerless to establish a relationship with Him. We have no way to emancipate ourselves from the captivity of our inherited depravity.
However, the gracious plan of God for mankind calls for a savior, a redeemer—the Lord Jesus Christ—to purchase our freedom from the slave market. Christ is the only Person qualified to make such a purchase. The only requirement for eternal release from the slave market of sin is faith alone in Christ alone.
This title is also available:
- On the Audiobook Collection on MP3 CD Spiritual Logistics II
- On the Audiobook Collection on MP3 CD Basic Books
© 1994, 2nd impression 2010